
Report on the assessment and survey condition and the technique of the Vinland Map by Larsen et al (2005)

Larsen, R., Poulsen, D. V., and Vest, M.; Report on the assessment and survey of the condition and technique of the Vinland Map and the bindings of the Tartar Relation and Speculum historiale, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Conservation, Copenhagen (2005)

This paper reports on the result of the assessment of the state of condition of the Vinland Map (VM). The damage assessment was based on visual and simple nondestructive methods observing characteristics at the macroscopic and microscopic level mainly relating to the surface of the parchment including the ink. Additional damage assessment was performed on selected parchment sheets bound in the Tartar Relation (TR) and the Speculum Historiale (SH). The bindings of the TR and the SH were subjected to a technical examination of the book structure and a simple nondestructive damage assessment of the leather. The condition of the parchment and ink of the VM, SH and TR as well as the book bindings are reported and recommendations and precautions for their future storage and treatment presented. Moreover, the authenticity of the VM, dating of the rebinding of the SH and TR as wll as the relations between the three objects are discussed on the basis of our observations and our recommendations for future studies are presented.

This report has been published on
Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung:
Larsen, R.; Poulsen, D. V.; Vest, M.; “Assessment and survey of the Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation and Speculum Historiale”, Zeitschrift für Kunsttechnologie und Konservierung 20 (2) (2006) 249-260