Katharina Mackert, Pelz - Schadensbilder und -ursachen sowie Beiträge zur Restaurierbarkeit geschädigter Haarkleider, Diplomarbeit vorgelegt dem Institut für Restaurierungs- und Konservierungswissenschaft der Fachhochschule Köln (2003)
Mit dieser Arbeit, die am Deutschen Ledermuseum in
Title in English:
Challenges concerning the conservation of fur.
This diploma work is based on research conducted at the German Leather Museum in Offenbach/Main. It serves to provide a discussion of the problems conserving and restoring fur materials whose hairs are damaged, especially those where the damage results from insect attack, from brittleness and breakage of hairs, hair slip or loss of fur. The work begins with a basic introduction to the material. This is followed by a collection of illustratory defects in order to provide an overview of the most frequent, fur-specific ones. After a discussion of their possible causes, information is provided which will be of use in the recording of the various defects, the materials and their condition. A discussion pertaining to the conservation of furs is then followed by information regarding the current level of knowledge of their restoration. In a debate on the pros and cons of methods previously used possible alternative solutions are discussed.