
Les matériaux du livre médiéval (2005)

M. Zerdoun, C. Chahine, T. Buquet (éds.), Les matériaux du livre médiéval, séminaire de recherche de l'Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, IRHT, Paris (2005) (Ædilis, Actes, 8)

Résumés en ligne sur cuirs et parchemins:

Jean-Pierre Henri Azéma,
"Moulins du cuir et de la peau – Moulins à tan et à chamoiser. France xiie-xxe siècles"

Jean-Louis Barbance,
"L’atelier de dorure sur cuir de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France"

Dominique De Reyer,
"Identification des peaux anciennes par l’ADN : perspectives et limites de la méthode"

Frédérique Juchauld,
"Évaluation de la quantité de matières grasses extractibles d’un cuir ancien par deux méthodes chromatographiques"

Claire Chahine,
"Maroquin, cordouan, chagrin"

Élisabeth Lalou,
"Les rouleaux de comptes sur parchemin en France et en Angleterre (xiiie-xive siècles)"

"Les fouilles de la Faculté de Droit à Montpellier. Urbanisme et artisanat de la peau dans une agglomération languedocienne du bas Moyen Âge"

Coralie Barbe,
"Un exemple de l’utilisation de la basane au xixe siècle : la campagne de reliure des livres précieux de la Bibliothèque municipale de Rouen, une étude historique et technique"

Eva Halasz-Csiba,
"Enquête historique et technique sur la classification de la basane en France à la fin de l’époque médiévale et au xviiie siècle"

Leather glossary and timeline by Mike Redwood

Mike Redwood website is a reference for readers interested in leather technology, leather industry history and marketing. In his website you can find a very useful leather glossary and timeline.

Footwear of the Middle Ages by Marc Carlson

An ongoing examination of the history and development of footwear and shoemaking techniques up to the end of the sixteenth century is available on-line in a website created by I. Marc Carlson.

The main topics are:
Glossary of Historical Shoemaking
Historical Shoes
Tools and Techniques
Shoe Designs and Discussions:
General Research
General Instructions for Making Shoes for Re-enactors and Others


reCollections: Caring for cultural material 2 - Leather

reCollections: Caring for Collections Across Australia has been written by practising conservators and is intended to provide a sound guide for the preventive care of cultural items.
In volume two, Caring for Cultural Material 2, you can find a chapter dedicated to leather conservation.

The topics covered are:
- What is leather?
- What are the most common types of damage?
- Common causes of damage
- Storing and displaying leather
- Treatments
- Cleaning leather
- Lubrication of leather
- Treatments of attached metal fittings
- Summary of conditions for storage and display
- Leather in Australia’s climatic zones
- Skin
- Collagen
- Untanned skin products
- Leather spews
- Additional cleaning methods
- Humidity chamber
- Lubricant formulations

Available at:

Understanding and caring for bookbindings (2006)

Mumford, J.; Pearson, D.; Walker, A.; Understanding and caring for bookbindings, National Preservation Office, London (2006)
PDF (revised edition 2010)

Every binding tells a story - this concise, practical guidance leaflet covers the significance of bookbindings, binding structures and caring for bookbindings. As well as the aesthetic value of bookbindings, the historical value is also emphasised, especially with regard to the history of the book.


The Conservation of Gilt Leather (2007)

The Conservation of Gilt Leather / La conservation du cuir doré, Post-prints of the Interim Meeting held in Brussels, 25-27 March 1998 / Réunion intermédiaire Bruxelles, 25-27 mars 1998; ICOM-CC Working Group “Leather and Related Materials”/Groupe de Travail “Cuir et Matériaux Associés” (2007)

The post-prints are now available on the web. They are published on www.lulu.com .
The printed books are available "at cost" plus postage, and it can be downloaded free as a full colour PDF file which you can burn onto a CD or print. It contains 12 full papers in English and abstracts for all the papers in English and French.
The colour version as a printed book is available from www.lulu.com/content/810780
The black and white printed version is available from www.lulu.com/content/775316
The free, colour PDF file can be downloaded from either of these.The PDF file does not include the cover. If you print it yourself and would like a cover with a printed logo it can be downloaded from www.lulu.com/content/775133

This information was sent by the editor of the post-prints, Theo Sturge. Any further information please contact the editor through his website http://www.leatherconservation.co.uk/


Clothing from East Greenland by Buijs

"Clothing from East Greenland", written by Cunera Buijs, is a digital publication of the National Museum of Ethnology, at Leiden. There you can read fascinating background information about selections of objects made from animal materials (hides, skins, leather, furs and guts).

And in Nederlands:"Bont rond het vege lijf. Kleding uit Oost-Groenland"

"Conservación preventiva de una colección única en el mundo: cuerpos momificados Chinchorro" por Varela (2002)

Varela, M. S., "Conservación preventiva de una colección única en el mundo: cuerpos momificados Chinchorro", Conserva 6 (2002) 75-86

Este trabajo es el resultado de dos proyectos sobre conservación preventiva de los cuerpos momificados de la cultura Chinchorro, preservados en los depósitos del Museo Arqueológico San Miguel de Azapa, Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica. Los proyectos abordaron dos aspectos: el deterioro por impacto mecánico y el deterioro por acción medioambiental. El primero fue enfrentado mediante un sistema de estantería y embalaje adecuado; el segundo mediante la habilitación de un depósito con mínima agresión medioambiental. Estas dos modificaciones permiten que el manejo y el uso de la colección, tanto para investigación como difusión, se realice adecuadamente, minimizando el impacto mecánico y medioambiental, que incidirá en la preservación del material.

Title in English:
"Preventive conservation of Chinchorro mummified bodies"
This study is the outcome of two projects dealing with preventive conservation of mummified bodies of the Chinchorro culture, which are stored in the San Miguel de Azapa Archaeological Museum, Tarapacá University, Arica. The projects included two features: damage caused by mechanical impact and damage caused by environmental action. The former was faced through appropriate shelving and packing systems, and the latter, through the construction of a storage room with minimum environmental insult. These two modifications allow a proper handling and use of the collection, both for research and spread purposes, thus minimizing mechanical and environmental impacts which will influence on the material preservation.

Challenges Concerning the Conservation of Fur by Mackert (2003)

Katharina Mackert, Pelz - Schadensbilder und -ursachen sowie Beiträge zur Restaurierbarkeit geschädigter Haarkleider, Diplomarbeit vorgelegt dem Institut für Restaurierungs- und Konservierungswissenschaft der Fachhochschule Köln (2003)

Mit dieser Arbeit, die am Deutschen Ledermuseum in Offenbach am Main angefertigt wurde, wird ein Einstieg in die Problematik der Konservierung und Restaurierung von haarkleid-geschädigten Pelzobjekten geschaffen. Zu dieser Gruppe zählen insbesondere jene Objekte, die unter einer Schädigung durch Insektenfraß, an Haarbruch, Haarlässigkeit oder Pelzverlust leiden. Einleitend wird eine grundlegende Materialkenntnis vermittelt. Ein exemplarischer Schadenskatalog gibt sodann eine Übersicht über die häufigsten, haarkleidspezifischen Schäden. Nach der Erörterung der möglichen Schadensursachen wird eine Anleitung zur Erfassung der Schäden sowie des Materials und seines Erhaltungszustands geboten. Den konservatorischen Empfehlungen für Pelzobjekte folgt schließlich eine Wiedergabe des aktuellen Stands der Pelzrestaurierung. Abschließend werden die Vor- und Nachteile der bisher angewandten Maßnahmen diskutiert und deren Optimierbarkeit oder/und neue Lösungswege angedacht.

Title in English:  
Challenges concerning the conservation of fur.
This diploma work is based on research conducted at the German Leather Museum in Offenbach/Main. It serves to provide a discussion of the problems conserving and restoring fur materials whose hairs are damaged, especially those where the damage results from insect attack, from brittleness and breakage of hairs, hair slip or loss of fur. The work begins with a basic introduction to the material. This is followed by a collection of illustratory defects in order to provide an overview of the most frequent, fur-specific ones. After a discussion of their possible causes, information is provided which will be of use in the recording of the various defects, the materials and their condition. A discussion pertaining to the conservation of furs is then followed by information regarding the current level of knowledge of their restoration. In a debate on the pros and cons of methods previously used possible alternative solutions are discussed.