As figuras do teatro de sombras chinesas são cortadas a partir de pele crua, uma pele que não sofreu qualquer processo de curtimenta. A pele de burro era a mais utilizada em Pequim e na província de Hebei, enquanto que a pele de bovino foi a mais utilizada na província de Shaanxi e a de búfalo nas províncias de Hunan e Sichuan. As peles de cavalo, ovelha e porco foram também, ocasionalmente, utilizadas.
Making Chinese shadow figures
Chinese shadow figures are cut and carved from raw hide. Donkey hide was preferred in Peking and Hebei province, while cattle hide was used in Shaanxi province, buffalo hide in Hunan and Sichuan provinces. But on several occasions horse hide, sheep and pig skins were also used.
Making Chinese shadow figures
Chinese shadow figures are cut and carved from raw hide. Donkey hide was preferred in Peking and Hebei province, while cattle hide was used in Shaanxi province, buffalo hide in Hunan and Sichuan provinces. But on several occasions horse hide, sheep and pig skins were also used.