
Hides & skins and the manufacture of leather by Warburg (1921)

Warburg, J. P. ; Hides & skins and the manufacture of leather; a layman's view of the industry, The First national bank of Boston (1921)
URL (Internet Archive)

Table of contents:

Chapter 1. Hides.
Chapter 2. Skins.
Chapter 3. Flaying and Curing.
Chapter 4. Imperfections.
Chapter 5. The Manufacturing Materials.
Chapter 6. The Preparatory Processes.
Chapter 7. Vegetable Tanning of Sole Leather.
Chapter 8. Finishing Sole Leather.
Chapter 9. Other Heavy Leathers.
Chapter 10. Calf-skins for Upper Shoe Leather.
Chapter 11. Side and Patent Leather.
Chapter 12. Goat-skins and "Kid" Upper Leather.
Chapter 13. Other Upper Leather.
Chapter 14. Oil Tannage of "Chamois" Leather.
Chapter 15. Tawing Glove Leather.
Chapter 16. Book and Bag Leather.

5th EC Conference, Cracow, Poland (2002)

A quinta conferência da Comissão Europeia ligada à Investigação em Património Cultural decorreu em 2002 na Polónia. O relatório da conferência está disponível online e duas das apresentações dizem respeito a projectos europeus sobre cabedais e pergaminhos. Os autores, os títulos das apresentações e os repectivos links são:

"Damage assessment approaches for organic materials in art: simple tests or sophisticated analyses?"

"Improved Damage Assessment of Parchment, IDAP: micro and non-destructive analysis and diagnosis for proper storage and treatment"


IX. IADA Congress Copenhagen Contributions (1999)

As contribuições relacionadas com cabedais e pergaminhos estão disponíveis online em formato pdf.

- Barbara Wiegel, Barbara Wittstatt 
Restaurierung einer durch Feuchtigkeit stark geschädigten Pergamenthandschrift, 57–60

- Andrea Giovannini 
Die Restaurierung von zwei mit Pergament überzogenen Möbeln von Carlo Bugatti, 61–66

- Marie Vest 
White tawed leather - aspects of conservation, 67–72

- Christopher Clarkson 
Minimum intervention in treatment of books, 89–96

- Nicholas Pickwoad 
Swaffham revisited: A review of the earlier conservation of books in the Swaffham Parish Library, 97–106

- Andrea Pataki, Barbara Hassel, Jan Wouters, Gerhard Banik
Färbung der Ausgangsmaterialien von "rekonstituiertem Pergament" mit lichtechten synthetischen Farbstoffen, 225-226

- Evguenia Perova 
Die Hauptarbeitsgebiete der Abteilung für wissenschaftliche Restaurierung des Staatlichen Historischen Museums (die Objekte auf dem Papier und auf dem Pergament), 239–244

- Barbara Hassel 
Conservation treatment of medieval parchment documents damaged by heat and water, 253

All contributions may be downloaded as pdf files at:



The making of leather by Procter (1914)

Procter, H. R.; The making of leather, Cambridge, University Press (1914)
URL (Internet Archive)

Table of contents:

I. Introductory
II. Hides and skins
III. Curing hides and skins
IV. The structure of the skin
V. The chemistry of the skin
VI. Soaking
VII. Unhairing
VIII. Chemical deliming
IX. Bacteria and fermentation
X. The fermentive "bates"
XI. The conversion of skin into leather
XII. Pickling
XIII. Alumed leather
XIV. The basic chrome process
XV. The two-bath chrome process
XVI. The vegetable tanning materials
XVII. The vegetable tanning process
XVIII. Curried leather
XIX. Moroccos and fancy leathers
XX. Oil leathers
XXI. The use and care of leather

Thermochimica Acta 365 (1-2) (2000)

O volume 365 (números 1-2) da revista Thermochimica Acta, publicado no ano 2000, tem artigos, exclusivamente, dedicados ao património cultural e quatro deles relacionados com cabedais e pergaminhos. São, essencialmente, artigos sobre a deterioração e o diagnóstico do estado de conservação deste tipo de materiais. Os autores, os títulos dos artigos e os respectivos abstract são:

- René Larsen, Experiments and observations in the study of environmental impact on historical vegetable tanned leathers, pp.85-99
doi:10.1016/S0040-6031(00)00616-X (restricted access)


The hydrothermal stability in the form of the shrinkage temperature (Ts) is a fine measure of the deterioration of vegetable tanned leathers. Previously, it has been demonstrated that the Ts can be predicted by multiple regression modelling based on parameters for the chemical breakdown of the collagen and tannin structures, the sulphate content and acidity of the leather as well as the interaction of these four parameters. In the present paper, several deterioration profiles are suggested for both the natural and artificial aged leathers based on significant regression analyses of the grouped data. The possible existence of several deterioration profiles is supported by more than 100 years of observational and experimental studies of natural and artificial ageing, and is probably mainly due to difference in tannin type and storage conditions. On this basis the problems in using simple standard artificial ageing systems are discussed, and improvement of more complex systems suggested. The latter based on continuation of combined observational and experimental studies using the multiple regression modelling of the Ts as an instrument for adjusting and developing the ageing system.

- Claire Chahine, Changes in hydrothermal stability of leather and parchment with deterioration: a DSC study, pp.101-110
doi:10.1016/S0040-6031(00)00617-1 (restricted access)
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) allows to study the enthalpy changes which are associated with the denaturation of collagen, of which shrinkage is the macroscopic manifestation. Damage to skin, leather or parchment may be expected to manifest as a decrease of either the temperature of denaturation and/or the enthalpy changes. These modifications are associated with those of other chemical and mechanical characteristics. DSC is a very fine tool to follow in an easy way the reaction of leather or parchment to an ageing or a conservation treatment. While for leather ΔH seems to have less than Td, for parchment, it must be looked at very carefully since an unchanged Td value can be accompanied by a fall of ΔH. The case of archeological waterlogged leather is particular since the state of deterioration is apparently not correlated with the hydrothermal stability.

-Neil S. Cohen, M. Odlyha and G. M. Foster, Measurement of shrinkage behaviour in leather and parchment by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, pp. 111-117
doi:10.1016/S0040-6031(00)00618-3 (restricted access)


The mechanical behaviour of modern and historic parchment and leather samples through their shrinkage temperature is described. The measurements are made possible by the novel modification of a standard dynamic mechanical thermal analyser (Rheometric Scientific DMTA Mk3) to enable experiments to be conducted on samples immersed in water. A sample of parchment was clamped in tensile mode under a small static applied force. The temperature of the water could be controlled and thus it was possible to heat the sample and monitor the change in its displacement as it passed through the shrinkage temperature. Information could therefore be obtained on the percentage shrinkage and the temperature range over which it occurred. Furthermore, the method also provided useful information on the expansion or contraction of the samples on initial immersion in water, which relates to ease of sample wettability, and on the changes during drying process and rehydration.

-Tim J. Wess and Joseph P. Orgel, Changes in collagen structure: drying, dehydrothermal treatment and relation to long term deterioration, pp.119-128
doi:10.1016/S0040-6031(00)00619-5 (restricted access)


Collagen is the major component of most connective tissues in animals. The structure of the helix and axial molecular packing within fibrils is well documented. Less is known about the structural alterations that occur on drying and the compounded changes that occur on dehydrothermal treatment. The structural properties of collagen and its supramolecular architecture are of importance in these states, since many of the industrial applications of collagen-based materials involve dried collagen or dehydrothermally treated collagen. The effects of drying and thermal treatment of collagen can be observed by X-ray diffraction, the changes in the diffraction pattern relate to changes in the axial packing of collagen molecules as dehydration occurs. The meridional diffraction series becomes truncated indicating induced structural disorder, the spreading of diffraction features indicate that the molecular orientation is altered for some of the collagen chains or portions of collagen chains within a fibril. Dehydrothermal treatment of parchment collagen for up to 24 h reduces the axial periodicity of the collagen fibril from 64.5 to 60.0 nm. Analysis of the X-ray diffraction data shows the possible alterations in molecular packing that may explain the structural changes.


Sombras chinesas: uma arte de trabalhar a pele

As figuras do teatro de sombras chinesas são cortadas a partir de pele crua, uma pele que não sofreu qualquer processo de curtimenta. A pele de burro era a mais utilizada em Pequim e na província de Hebei, enquanto que a pele de bovino foi a mais utilizada na província de Shaanxi e a de búfalo nas províncias de Hunan e Sichuan. As peles de cavalo, ovelha e porco foram também, ocasionalmente, utilizadas.

Making Chinese shadow figures
Chinese shadow figures are cut and carved from raw hide. Donkey hide was preferred in Peking and
Hebei province, while cattle hide was used in Shaanxi province, buffalo hide in Hunan and Sichuan provinces. But on several occasions horse hide, sheep and pig skins were also used.

"Leather dressing: to dress or not to dress" by McGrady & Raphael (1993)

A lubrificação de cabedais é um procedimento importante, mas nem sempre indispensável, para a conservação dos cabedais museológicos. Em 1993, o National Park Service publicou um pequeno artigo que esclarece de forma sucinta as implicações da aplicação de lubrificantes na preservação de cabedais.

McCrady, E.; Raphael, T.; "Leather dressing: to dress or not to dress", Conserv O Gram 9/1, National Park Service (1993)



Art de travailler les cuirs dorés ou argentés par Fougeroux de Bondaroy (1776)

Fougeroux de Bondaroy, M.; "Art de travailler les cuirs dorés ou argentés", in Jean-Elie Bertrand (ed.), Descriptions des arts et métiers, faites ou approuvées par Messieurs de l'Académie royale des sciences de Paris, Tome III, Nouvelle édition, A Neuchâtel: de l'imprimerie de la Société typographique, 1776 

Divulgação de informação existente on-line sobre cabedais e materiais afins

Há muito que penso fazer uma página on-line que divulgue informações relacionadas com a tecnologia, conservação e restauro de cabedais e materiais afins.
Esta é uma oportunidade, especialmente para mim, de organizar informações muito diversificadas que eu vou encontrando on-line sobre temas que estão directamente relacionados com a minha vida profissional.
Pretendo, essencialmente, dar a conhecer objectos que tenham na sua composição pele (tenho a certeza que vão ficar surpreendidos com a diversidade) e as respectivas tecnologias de fabrico associadas.