
The Worshipful Company of Glovers of London - The Glove Collection and its Catalogue

The Worshipful Company of Glovers of London (http://www.gloveassociation.org/) one of the City’s ancient Livery Companies, was formed originally to upkeep the standards of glove-making in the City some 700 years ago. In common with other City Livery Companies, the Glovers have survived and flourished by adapting to modern times, maintaining strong links with their trade, supporting the City with many of its projects, educational bursaries and charitable programmes.

The Company has not forgotten its heritage nor its obligations to posterity and within the Glove Collection Charitable Trust, it maintains and preserves a magnificent collection of gloves since the 16th century to the present day, making it available to the public as far as possible. To this end the Collection has been digitally photographed and descriptive text prepared and the resulting comprehensive CATALOGUE forms part of this web site: http://www.glovecollectioncatalogue.org/

(Text from the website)


Recherches sur le cuir doré, anciennement appelé or basané, par La Quérière (1830)

La Quérière, Eustache de; Recherches sur le cuir doré, anciennement appelé or basané, et description de plusieurs peintures appropriées à ce genre de décor, F. Baudry, Rouen (1830)
URL (Gallica)


"I cuoi 'bulgari' a Venezia" di Stoyanova (2007)

Stoyanova, M.; "I cuoi 'bulgari' a Venezia" in, L’Europa Centro–Orientale e la Penisola italiana: quattro secoli di rapporti e influssi intercorsi tra Stati e civiltà (1300-1700), a cura di Cristian Luca e Gianluca Masi, Editura Istros, Braila-Venezia (2007) 309-322

Estratto dalla introduzione:
L’attributo “bulgaro” è molto diffuso, nei documenti veneziani (in particolare in quelli risalenti ai sec. XVII-XVIII), per designare un tipo di cuoio impiegato nella fabbricazione di fodere da destinare alle poltrone, di tende per “armeri alla pretina” e di involucri in cui custodire oggetti trasportabili. Come vedremo in seguito, a parte gli usi suddetti, è possibile che il cuoio avesse, a Venezia e in terraferma, un uso assai più vasto, ad esempio nella marineria e in alcune manifatture speciali, come quelle militare e medica, oppure per rivestire carrozze e custodire strumenti musicali.
Il cuoio cosiddetto bulgaro non è mai stato oggetto di specifiche indagini storiche o tecniche in Bulgaria o in altri paesi balcanici, in quanto tale denominazione non era inclusa nel vocabolario mercantile relativo alla pelle e al cuoio; non trova, infatti, specifica menzione nei documenti d’archivio, nei quali tuttavia tali merci registrano una tipologia molto ampia. Secondo alcuni documenti dell’epoca, nel period compreso fra i sec. XV e XVIII, nell’intera area dei Balcani si acquistavano pelli ricavate dai seguenti animali: montone, bue, bufalo, capra, agnello, castoro, lupo, orso, volpe, coniglio, gatto e sciacallo, oltre ai cosiddetti castroni, corami (crudi, salati o pelosi), boldrini, cordovani e marocchini.


"A DSC study of deterioration caused by environmental chemical pollutants to parchment" by Budrugeac et al (2010)

Budrugeac, P.; Badea, E.; Della Gatta, G.; Miu, L.; Comanescu, A.; “A DSC study of deterioration caused by environmental chemical pollutants to parchment, a collagen-based material”, Thermochimica Acta 500 (1-2) (2010) 51-62
DOI:10.1016/j.tca.2009.12.010 (restricted access)

A DSC study of new parchments exposed at 25 degrees C for 1-16 weeks to controlled atmospheres containing 50 ppm of gaseous chemical pollutants (NO2, SO2, NO2 + SO2) and 50% relative humidity (RH) was performed. Samples were exposed to chemical pollutants alone, as well as after previous heating at 100 C for 2-16 days and/or irradiating with visible light (1.7 x 10(5) lx) for 4-16 h. DSC measurements were performed in both sealed crucibles in static air atmosphere at 25-200 degrees C and open crucibles under gas flow (nitrogen, oxygen, synthetic air) at 25-280 degrees C. Analysis of DSC curves provided the variation induced by ageing on the thermodynamic parameters associated with both parchment denaturation and softening of collagen crystalline fraction. All the ageing procedures decreased both temperature and enthalpy of denaturation and increased broadness of DSC peak in function of ageing time. The occurrence of thermal oxidation peaks and/or lower temperature endothermic peaks was observed. The temperature of the first softening peak always indicated a general tendency to decrease as a function of ageing time. Shrinkage temperature of collagen fibres measured by thermomicroscopy also decreased as a result of accelerated ageing treatments.


Proceedings of the Joint ICOM-CC Interim Meeting - Multidisciplinary Conservation: A Holistic View for Historic Interiors, Rome 2010

The Proceedings of the Joint ICOM-CC Interim Meeting Multidisciplinary Conservation: A Holistic View for Historic Interiors held in Rome, 23-26 March 2010, are now available at the ICOM-CC website. The papers related to ICOM-CC Leather and related materials Working Group are as follows:

- Historical and methodological aspects of the 18th century French gilt leather tapestry restoration in a historic house: the Maison Mantin project (Moulins, France) by C. BONNOT-DICONNE, J.P. FOURNET, B.H. PAPOUNAUD

- Cleaning of tanned leather: testing with Infra Red Spectroscopy and SEM-EDAX by K. MALEA, S.C. BOYATZIS, M. KEHAGIA

- Analysis and preservation of an ancient alum tawed parchment by I. RABIN, R. SCHÜTZ, E. KINDZORRA, U. SCHADE, O. HAHN, G. WEINBERG, P. LASCH
(Papers will be freely available just until July, 1)