
“An Improved Method of Tanning Leather” by Macbride (1778)

Macbride, David, “An Improved Method of Tanning Leather”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 68 (1778) pp. 111–130.
DOI:10.1098/rstl.1778.0008 (The Royal Society Publishing or JSTOR, free access)


Ioannis Costaei Dispvtatio qvod ex arte Coriariorvm infici aer possit, et pestis procreari (1580)

Costeo, Giovanni, Ioannis Costaei Dispvtatio qvod ex arte Coriariorvm infici aer possit, et pestis procreari, Venetiis, Apud Dominicum Farreum, 1580.
URL (Österreichische Nationalbibliothek)


"Variation in the sorption properties of historic parchment evaluated by dynamic water vapour sorption" by Popescu et al (2016)

Popescu, Carmen-Mihaela; Callum A. S. Hill; Kennedy, Craig; "Variation in the sorption properties of historic parchment evaluated by dynamic water vapour sorption", Journal of Cultural Heritage 17 (2016) pp.87–94.
Doi:10.1016/j.culher.2015.06.001 (ScienceDirect, restricted access)

Understanding the hydration of the collagen historic parchments is of great importance to the conservation and restoration processes. In this study, modern and historic (dated 1817 and 1769) parchments were investigated using dynamic water vapour adsorption/desorption (sorption) experiments. The relationship between the equilibrium moisture content against the relative humidity at constant temperature for two consecutive sorption cycles, the hysteresis and kinetic properties were analysed for different parchments from a historic archive. It was found that historical parchment samples exhibited higher equilibrium moisture content levels throughout most of the hygroscopic range and the hysteresis was greater than that of the contemporary sample. The samples were all found to obey parallel exponential kinetics for both adsorption and desorption. By applying the parallel exponential kinetic model, it was observed that the difference in the hysteresis is apparently mostly due to changes in the collagen matrix relaxation processes.