
Medieval Manuscripts: Bookbinding terms, materials, methods and models (2013)

Medieval Manuscripts:
Bookbinding terms, materials, methods and models

This beautifully illustrated booklet compiled by the Special Collections Conservation Unit of the Preservation Department of Yale University Library is now online. It is a PDF version of the printed booklet on bookbinding included in the Traveling Scriptorium (http://travelingscriptorium.library.yale.edu/) kit.
It contains sections on materials of Medieval bookbinding; terminology; Carolingian, Romanesque, Gothic, and limp bindings; and a comprehensive bibliography.


Adhesive treatments: skins and leathers by Dignard (2013)

Carole Dignard, conservator from the Canadian Conservation Institute, organised two valuable documents on adhesive backing treatments of leathers and skins. They were recently made available on-line at the ICOM-CC Ethnographic Collections Working Group web page.
The titles of the documents and the links are as follows:

- Annotated Bibliography on Adhesive Treatments of Skins and Leathers

- Literature Survey Tables on Adhesives, Backings and Application Methods for Treatments of Skins and Leathers


Postprints of the 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Leather & Related Materials Working Group (2013)

Céline Bonnot-Diconne, Carole Dignard, Jutta Göpfrich (eds.), Postprints of the 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Leather & Related Materials Working Group, Offenbach, 29-31 August 2012, ICOM-CC (2013)