
DLM Ledermuseum, Offenbach (Deutschland)

DLM Deutsches Ledermuseum, Offenbach

Das DLM Ledermuseum Offenbach vereinigt drei Museen unter einem Dach: das Deutsche Schuhmuseum mit internationaler Fußbeklei-dung aus vier Jahrtausenden und einer Kunst-galerie, das Museum für angewandte Kunst mit Kunsthandwerk und Design vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, Schwerpunkt Leder, und das Ethnologische Museum mit den Abteilungen Afrika, Amerika, Asien.

The DLM Leather Museum Offenbach combines three museums under one roof: the Shoe Museum with international footwear of four millennia and an art gallery, the Museum for Applied Art with crafts and design from the Middle Ages to the present, with the focus on leather, and the Ethnological Museum with the African, American and Asian Departments.

(Text from the website)


"John Waterer and the Cuir Bouilli confusion" by Rex Lingwood

Rex Lingwood, "John Waterer and the cuir bouilli confusion" 

In this beautifully illustrated article, Lingwood takes a critical look at John Waterer's writing on 'Cuir Bouilli' and reviews what it can be said about such diverse historical objects as English blackjacks, bombards and bottles, Italian scroll cases, parade shields and powder flasks, as well as leather armour, based on his detailed examination of these objects and his experience with heat forming processes.


Black jacks and leather bottells by Baker (1921)

Baker, Oliver; Black jacks and leather bottells: being some account of leather drinking vessels in England, London (1921)

(To have a clear picture of what a leather bottel is, have a look at the leather jug webpage from the Museum of London here.)