

"Analysis of waterlogged leather using FTIR" by Godfrey and Richardson (1990)

Godfrey, I. M.; Richardson, G. W.; "Analysis of waterlogged leather using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy - a preliminary study", AICCM Bulletin 16(3) (1990) 73-84
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy has been used to analyse waterlogged, degraded leather obtained from Western Australian marine archaeological sites. This article presents the results of investigations into the application of this technique as a means of determining the degree of degradation, effects of standard conservation treatments, and nature and efficiency of impregnations.


Furskin Identification Program Website

Furskin Identification Program
FURSKIN is the first program created for fur skin identification which has allowed a very quick and exact comparison of structural patterns and eliminates much of the tedious work associated with the use of the Atlas book.
In 2006, fur skin micro-structural data was transferred into the Internet version of FURSKIN (http://www.furskin.cz/). In this website, the Furskin Identification program is described for rapid analysis and identification of fur skin species. The identification is based on a wide collection of fur skins micro-morphology and their microscopic patterns.


"The preservation of Inuit clothing..." by Carlsen et al (1995)

Carlsen, L.; Feldthus, A.; Schmidt, A. L.; "The preservation of Inuit clothing collected during the Fifth Thule Expedition (1921-24) ", Arctic 48(4) (1995) 333-337

Preparation procedures as well as ordinary use apparently cause changes in the appearance of Inuit skin clothing. These changes may alter the inherent properties of skin, such as fatty acid composition and shrinkage temperature. The present paper describes studies of fatty acid distribution and shrinkage temperature in a series of items of Inuit origin collected during the Fifth Thule Expedition (1921-24). The skins used for the clothing originate from ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and caribou (Rangifer tarandus). For comparison, fresh prepared skins were studied, as were samples of sealskins found in the mummy burial ground in Qilakitsoq, Greenland. It appeared that ordinary use changed the fatty acid distribution to some extent, as well as the shrinkage temperature, indicating slow deterioration. However, more significant deterioration was observed for samples exposed for longer periods to daylight as, for example, when placed on exhibition. The effect of light was verified by studying samples deliberately exposed to full daylight for ca. 6 months. In contrast to these samples, the 500-year-old skins appeared, on the basis of fatty acid distribution and shrinkage temperature, to be in good condition, possibly because of the lack of ordinary use in combination with low storage temperatures.


Les méthodes de préparation ainsi que l'utilisation normale provoquent, semble-t-il, des changements dans l'aspect des vêtements de peau inuit. Ces changements peuvent modifier les propriétés inhérentes de la peau, telles que la répartition des acides gras et la contractilité thermique. Cet article décrit les études portant sur la répartition des acides gras et la contractilité thermique dans une série d'objets d'origine inuit recueillis au cours de la cinquième expédition de Thulé (1921-24). Les peaux servant à l'habillement viennent du phoque annelé (Phoca hispida) et du caribou (Rangifer tarandus). À des fins de comparaison, on a étudié des peaux récemment préparées, ainsi que des échantillons de peaux de phoque trouvées dans le cimetière de momies de Qilakitsoq, au Groenland. Il semble que l'utilisation normale ait changé, dans une certaine mesure, la répartition des acides gras ainsi que la contractilité thermique, indiquant une détérioration lente. On a toutefois observé une détérioration plus importante pour des échantillons exposés durant de plus longues périodes à la lumière naturelle comme, par exemple, lorsqu'ils sont mis en exposition. On a vérifié l'effet de la lumière en étudiant des échantillons délibérément exposés au grand jour pendant environ six mois. Par contraste avec ces échantillons, les peaux de 500 ans semblaient, si l'on se fiait à la répartition des acides gras et à la contractilité thermique, en bon état, et ce, en raison peut-être du manque d'utilisation courante combiné à un entreposage à basse température.


"... understanding of archaeological hide-working processes" by Beyries and Rots (2005)

Beyries, S.; Rots, V.; "The contribution of ethno-archaeological macro- and microscopic wear traces to the understanding of archaeological hide-working processes", in L. Longo and N. Skakun (eds.), "Prehistoric Technology” 40 years later: Functional Studies and the Russian Legacy (2005) 21-28


Ethno-archaeological data allow a better understanding of the hide-working process including parameters such as haft morphology, tool position and angle of insertion, tool fixation, thickness of the hide worked, the position of the hide/hide-worker, the precision of the gesture, etc. While these kinds of data are difficult to infer for archaeological tools when based on an experimental reference, we believe that it is possible if the analysis is based on a close examination of the wear traces produced in ethno-archaeological conditions. Based on different ethno-archaeological case studies, we propose criteria that – when applied in functional analyses of archaeological tools – allow a more complete understanding of the parameters involved in the archaeological hide-working process. It is concluded that this research demonstrates the importance of ethno-archaeology as a research tool in functional studies.

Certaines données ethno-archéologiques peuvent contribuer à une meilleure compréhension du processus du travail des peaux, par exemple la morphologie du manche de l’outil, la position et l’angle de travail de l’outil, l’épaisseur de la peau, la position de la peau / l’artisan, la précision du geste, etc. En se fondant exclusivement sur des données expérimentales certaines de ces données sont difficilement accessibles. Cependant, les auteurs suggèrent qu’en s’appuyant sur une analyse détaillée des traces produites dans des conditions ethno-archéologiques les interprétations archéologiques peuvent être beaucoup plus précise. Cette recherche démontre l'importance de l'ethno-archéologie comme outil de recherche dans des études fonctionnelles.