
Sandals, shoes and other leatherwork from the Coptic Monastery Deir el-Bachit by Veldmeijer (2012)

Veldmeijer, A.J; Sandals, shoes and other leatherwork from the Coptic Monastery Deir el-Bachit: Analysis and Catalogue, Sidestone Press, Leiden (2012)
URL (Sidestone)

The Coptic monastery and cemetery Deir el-Bachit stands on the hilltop of Dra’ Abu el-Naga, the well-known necropolis in Qurna (West Bank, Luxor). It is the largest Coptic monastery complex preserved in Western Thebes and the first monastery that has been systematically investigated. The excavation of the monastery was started as a DFG-Project des Ägyptologischen Instituts der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in close collaboration with the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Abteilung Kairo.
Until the start of the investigations in 2001 with a survey, little research was done. After three seasons of preliminary research, full archaeological research was started in 2004. The leatherwork was studied in 2007, the present volume of which presents the results. The book consists of two parts: the analysis and a detailed catalogue, including colour images of all finds and, where necessary, line drawings. The finds are analysed within the framework of the excavation as well as within the frameworks of the Ancient Egyptian Leatherwork Project and the Ancient Egyptian Footwear Project (www.leatherandshoes.nl).


Mumien in Museen von Bigna Ludwig (2006)

Bigna Ludwig, Mumien in Museen. Aspekte zu Besitz, ethischem Umgang, Konservierung und Ausstellung am Beispiel einer peruanischen Kindermumie aus den Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen Mannheim, Diplomarbeit Institut für Restaurierungs- und Konservierungswissenschaft Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften der Fachhochschule Köln, 2006

Die Fragestellung zum ethisch korrekten Umgang mit Mumien in Museen, insbesondere bei Konservierung, Restaurierung, Lagerung und Ausstellung, wurde der Methodik der Angewandten Ethik folgend untersucht. Die Sichtweisen der unterschiedlichen Disziplinen, die einen beruflichen Umgang mit Mumien haben, wurden dargestellt. Eine ­Entscheidungsfindungsstrategie wurde entwickelt, die dem Konservator/Restaurator hilft, ein adäquates Maßnahmenkonzept zu erstellen. Als Grundlage diente das niederländische „Decision-Making-Model“ aus dem Bereich der Konservierung moderner Kunst. Die praktische Umsetzung der erarbeiteten Entscheidungsfindungshilfe erfolgte anhand einer peruanischen Kindermumie aus den Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim. Mit Hilfe der entwickelten Strategie wurde ein Maßnahmenkonzept erstellt. Vorgeschlagen wird eine passgenaue Lager- und Ausstellungsstütze aus biokompatiblem Material, hergestellt mittels rapid prototyping. Material und Technik kommen aus der Medizin und berücksichtigen somit das ehemalige Menschsein der Mumie.

Different professional disciplines are dealing with mummies in museums. They have different professional interests and different opinions about the correct way to deal with mummies. It’s important not only to know the ethical guidelines of one’s own profession but also to look at the situation from different points of view. Furthermore it was considered to be helpful to have a strategy for decision-making in conservation. The dutch “Decision-Making-Model“ for conservation of contemporary art was adapted to mummies in museums. It was then applied to a peruvian child mummy from the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen in Mannheim, resulting in a conservation concept. Proposed was a storage and display mount fabricated with rapid prototyping technique from biocompatible material. This method is used in medical surgery and thus is taking account of the mummy’s original humanity.


"Use of Adhesives on Leather Discussion" (2003)

Consuela Metzger, Deborah Howe & Gillian Boal (moderators), "Use of Adhesives on Leather Discussion", The Book and Paper Group Annual 22 (2003) 99-104

This summary of the leather and adhesives discussion group covers the four presentations given, as well as the discussion points. A working bibliography on skin and hide follows the summary as appendix 1. Book conservation concerns were emphasized, but the topic brought together conservators from many specialty groups. Major topics addressed included: combination adhesive systems made from starch paste and synthetic adhesives; Lascaux 498HV and Lascaux 360HV; alcohol-remoistenable mending strips; and unmixed starch pastes. Also included are discussions of working methods for preparing and applying adhesives to new and deteriorated leather and mending strips. Many of the presentations and questions included the interrelated topics of leather consolidation and leather coatings, also of concern to a variety of conservation specialties.


“La producción y comercialización del guadamecí en Córdoba durante el siglo XVI” por Alors Bersabé (2011)

Alors Bersabé, Teresa María; “La producción y comercialización del guadamecí en Córdoba durante el siglo XVI”, Ambitos: revista de estudios de ciencias sociales y humanidades 25 (2011) 87-96

La producción del guadamecí fue durante el siglo XVI una de las más importantes en la ciudad de Córdoba, lo que favoreció un incremento de los oficiales dedicados a esta labor, provocando favoreció la aparición de unas Ordenanzas muy específicas que regularon el gremio de guadamecileros. Este estudio pretende mostrar los rasgos característicos de esta industria durante dicha etapa, incluyendo los factores favorecedores que permitieron su apogeo, así como los gustos de una sociedad que demandaba cada vez más este tipo de trabajo en cuero.

Guadameci’s production was, during the XVI century, one of the most important for the city of Cordoba, which caused an increase of skilled workers dedicated to this work and led to the emergence of specific ordinances for the regulation of the guadamecileros’s guild. This study aims to show the characteristics of this industry during that period, including the predisposing factors that enabled its peak and the tastes of a society that increasingly demand this type of leather work.